We’ve Got It All Worked Out and Other Divorce Myths

March 24, 2014 2:52 pm Published by Comments Off on We’ve Got It All Worked Out and Other Divorce Myths

A post from Ada L. Hasloecher, a Mediator with the Divorce and Family Mediation Center on Long Island, NY recently caught my eye.  I share her opinion.  Often a couple that thinks that they have it all worked out is in for a nasty surprise.  There are literally hundreds of details to be covered before a Marital Settlement Agreement is complete and comprehensive.  The average person gets divorced only once.  So it’s far reaching to assume that a couple – who is already financially and emotionally taxed – could cover all of the financial and logistical issues that a well written Marital Settlement Agreement will cover without the guidance and direction of someone who has been down the road before.  On the other hand, people sometimes think that there is no way that they can sit down with a soon-to-be-Ex and create an agreement that will guide them into the future.  In reality, as long as the timing is right, most people, no matter how emotionally charged they are regarding the end of their marriage, can sit down and work out an agreement when a skilled mediator is involved.  http://divorceandfamilymediationcenter.com/weve-got-it-all-worked-out-and-other-myths/  If you are getting divorced, ask one of our mediators how you can create an agreement that will cover co-parenting custody, financial issues, child support, and alimony.

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