Alimony Reform Bill Vetoed

April 16, 2016 5:00 pm Published by Comments Off on Alimony Reform Bill Vetoed

This week, a controversial alimony reform bill was once again vetoed by Governor Rick Scott.  In his veto letter Scott said that the legislation had “the potential to put the wants of a parent before their child’s best interest.”

While alimony reform in Florida is probably past due, in that it would be nice if there was a formula that could act as a guide during alimony negotiations, this bill also addressed other issues.  The most controversial was a provision that would have created a legal premise for parents having equal timesharing with their children.  At A Friendly Divorce we believe that each family should create their own unique time-sharing arrangement and our mediators are experienced in helping parents create individualized time-sharing plans that serve their family’s specific wants and needs.

Hopefully, next legislative session, the legislators will not lump alimony and time-sharing together in one bill and will instead look at each issue separately.

If you want to learn more take a look at Rick Scott Vetoes Contentious Alimony Bill

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