Do you have a Divorce Bucket List?

September 2, 2014 9:32 am Published by Comments Off on Do you have a Divorce Bucket List?

Do you have a divorce bucket list? Maybe it’s time to start one. Are there things that you want to do but couldn’t do when you were married? Are there other things that you want to do before you re-partner? If so, it is probably time to put them all down on your bucket list.

In case you don’t know where to begin, start off by breaking your life up into 12 categories:

  • Home
  • Spiritual
  • Vacations and Travel
  • Fun, Hobbies, and Recreation
  • Self Improvement
  • Work
  • Sex and Romance
  • Friends and Family
  • Health and Wellness
  • Finances
  • Intellectual
  • Any other category that fits you and your lifestyle

Next find things that you want to do for each category.  For instance:

  • Home: buy a condo, clean every inch of the kitchen, have matching bed linens
  • Spiritual: join a church, go on a weekend retreat, learn to meditate
  • Vacations and Travel: go to Las Vegas, take a trip alone, visit my state’s landmarks
  • Fun, Hobbies, and Recreation: organize my photos, buy (and use) a kayak, learn to knit
  • Self Improvement: go back to school, learn to paint (pictures as well as walls), make a list of my strong points – start by asking those who love me what they see in me
  • Work: draw a picture of my perfect career, find a part time job that allows me to be in nature, start a home based business selling jewelry
  • Sex and Romance: buy a vibrator, make a list of everything I want in my new boyfriend/girlfriend, give myself at least a year before I jump into anything new
  • Friends and Family: start a girlfriend’s monthly movie night, have a pot-luck party, volunteer with my kids to feed the homeless
  • Health and Wellness: Go to spin class, find a therapist, have a massage
  • Finances: write my will, create a budget, pay off my credit cards once and for all
  • Intellectual: practice my German, learn about astrology, read the classics
  • Any other category that fits you and your lifestyle: buy myself flowers, find a theme song, swim naked, say “no” to others and “yes” to myself, plant tomatoes, learn how football works, etc. etc. etc.

Finally, circle those things that have the most charge and create a reasonable time line for doing them.

The worst thing about divorce is that it forces you to look at your life and re-assess. The best thing about divorce is that it forces you to look at your life and re-assess. The Divorce Bucket List is a great way to make your re-assessment more fun.

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